How Many Images Do I Need?
Typical product rotations will use 24 images, which is an image every 15 degrees. For a smoother rotation, you can upgrade to 30 images, which is one image every 12 degrees. With faster download speeds, a 30 image rotation is no longer a problem. For products with additional animation, it's not uncommon to have up to 40 images. However if these images are part of your mobile strategy, we would suggest staying with 24 images.
Do I Need an In-The-Box Photo?
In-The-Box photos are great for products that come with various accessories. We see more of a demand for these image in the consumer electronics industry since they come with extra wires, installation CD, stands, carrying case, etc. The rule of thumb should be if your product comes with additional items that add value to the overall purchase - add an In-The-Box image. The value it adds versus the extra cost more than justifies it.

Get the leg up on the competition by providing your customers with high quality 360 product photography. Consumers are researching online more than ever so give them the experience they've come to expect. Which is also why retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Target, Lowe's, Babies-R-Us and more are requesting better images for their product pages because 360 rotations bring the product to life and can increase conversions upwards of 30%.

What Is a Feature Animation?
We do a lot of feature animations for our clients. Not only do consumers want to rotate the product to see it from all angles, they also want to see how certain features work. Whether it's how the hood of a stroller closes, how legs extend or how a product folds - feature animations bring the entire 360 rotation to a new level.